The Only Battle Worth WagingIsn’t it true, whenever you watch the news, all you hear about is social tension, turmoil or acts of terror? Angry hands clenched into…Aug 8, 20211Aug 8, 20211
People Are Hard To Hate Close Up“I’ve been in the United States for nearly three decades, so I view Chicago as my home, but I still consider myself a “Bombayite”, and a…May 5, 20201May 5, 20201
I Belong To SarahWe live in a culture where we are constantly accessing, acclimating, and adjusting in order to fit in. In our genuine desire to please…Dec 5, 2019Dec 5, 2019
Tie Your Camel First, Then Court ChangePeople are conversing more than ever in the Internet Age. We pump emails, texts, blogs, and tweets into cyberspace at a prodigious rate. We…Aug 11, 2019Aug 11, 2019
Published inHuman PartsMy Declaration of Emotional IndependenceWhen my children were treated unjustly, I reacted with anger and aggression. I now realize there’s a different way.Mar 2, 20197Mar 2, 20197